Thursday, August 05, 2004

Wow, people are commenting on my blog! Cool!!! Well, I thought I would comment on Skye's comment about Legolas. Did anyone else notice that Legolas' sole purpose in Return of the King (aside from bringing down the oliphant, which should have counted as two) seemed to be to let the slow people in the audience know what was going on? Think about it: "A diversion." "One that is cursed." It's really kind of funny. Poor old Legolas.

That reminds me! I got the Return of the King piano book (have I already mentioned that?)! I love playing Into the West. The accompaniment is all arpeggiated cords (oh joy! I just found the spell check button!). It's not so much fun to play Pippin's song because it's only the melody, but it's still cool.

So, I'm having a birthday party this Saturday (even though my birthday was in May), and that should be cool. I was hoping some friends from out of town could come, but I don't think they will be able to.

Well, I'm getting to the good part in my book, so it's back to the ol' grinding wheel for me. I'll post again later.


Sobriquet said...

Are you bringing the piano book to school? *desperately wants to learn to play into the west*

Liz said...

annie annie annie!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! hi!

Karen said...

Liz...had a bit of chocolate lately or something? hehe...

Liz said...

no, :-P but i could eat some and then start singing annie songs.... i wonder... can they be sung backwards like supercalifragilisticexpialidocious... ("You know, you can say it backwards, Which is dociousaliexpilisticfragicalirupus,")... hmm...

Lina said...

When is the next instalment oh great story teller? I love reading the things you write. You should become an author... :0)