Thursday, April 09, 2009

Good Friday

I think Easter is my favorite holiday. Yes, I like it even better than Christmas. Think about it--without Easter, Christmas has no meaning. I also like the lead up to Easter. We have Passover, Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, Saturday, and then Easter. The lead up helps me to really focus on God and what Easter means. I am a selfish person who can be pretty mean. God has greatly freed me from that. When I get the urge to be selfish, He nudges me and tells me to do what He would do. And even though I have that selfishness inside me and have all sorts of crazy bad things in my past, God doesn't remember them. Even though God is holiness itself, I will someday be able to stand in His presence. Why? Because of what He did two thousand years ago on Easter.

When decorating eggs this Easter, remember what they represent--that the tomb (the shell) couldn't keep Jesus inside. He broke free and rose from the dead, freeing us all from our sin if we'll just accept His sacrifice.

He is risen, indeed!

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