Monday, May 09, 2005

Monday morning: Well, I started that entry Sunday morning when I took a quick break from packing, but by the time I was done moving out and everything, I was too tired to finish. I spent all day packing, cleaning, and moving. It made it worse that I was already sore from moving everybody else’s stuff on Thursday, Friday, and Saturday. I ate Burger King for supper, which was yummy, and didn’t get to bed until really late. In a little over an hour, I have to leave for work—my first job! (not counting five days at the dog groomer’s and Peer Advising) Weeeeird.

Speaking of weird, right now, I am installed in Quad 4, and it just seems weird. Everything is so familiar that I keep expecting to see Quad 2 people. Now I’ll tell you what’s unfair—the Quad has BIG closets (I can hang up my dresses and the whole thing can hang out, as opposed to being bunched on the floor; as short as I am, if my dresses get bunched on the floor, there’s something wrong), you can move the furniture, the Quad has nice desks with three drawers, and the Quad has bookshelves. So the room is smaller, but it seems like there is more space. I agree with Jennie—if I ever get rich and win the lottery or something, I’m going to get ELH moveable furniture and bigger closets.

Oh, and since the phone lines in this room aren’t working and I’m totally cut off from the world, it might be awhile before I post this. Well, I’m off to find something to do before I make myself a peanut butter sandwich for lunch. :-)

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